Kangaroo dog treats – one of the healthiest TRULY SUSTAINABLE resources !

If you live outside of Australia, you might wonder what all the fuss is about.  How could this foreign animal be better than ours?

Kangaroo meat and kangaroo dog treats in particular have many health benefits over traditional farmed meats.  Primarily people talk about its high and clean protein, as well as its leanness – but richness in Omega 3 – best of all worlds.

What is the advantage of kangaroo treats over farmed animal treats?

The most obvious thing is that many farmed animals live a very dismal life.  Only breed to eat, and often given growth hormones, over dosed with anti-bacterial chemicals, sometimes living in cramped conditions.

Many farmed animals also along with growth hormones not giving their bones and organs time to grow naturally strong have many heath issues, that can reflect in the poor quality of meat, let alone quality of life.

In contrast kangaroos are wild Australian animals.  Very few are farmed.  They travel large distances during the day and grow strong bones and bodies (unlike many farmed animals).  Along with this exercise they have exceptionally lean meat, meaning very little saturated fats, so when included in dog treats or dog food, that meat is very healthy and doesn’t make dogs as fat.  The fat composition is also naturally low in saturated fats, and high in Omega 3 – which for land-based animals is an rare. 

Some manufacturers will cook meat at high temperatures for longer periods to render away the fat, but that can affect the protein. Kangaroo doesn’t require such rendering, so the meat proteins will be more intact.

SUSTAINABLITY of kangaroo dog treats

The other major ‘ethical’ animals reason Why Organic Roo Dog Treats matter is based on sustainability. Most people consider sustainability to be either low energy production or recyclable packaging materials.  But what if the actual thing inside the packet was sustainable.  For me, that is probably the most important thing.  While sustainable materials and green power sources are being legislated meaning that they will come into force regardless of individual choices, sustainable meat sources are mostly about how the meat gets grown.

There is a lot of talk in the media about banning meat farming because of the resources required per kg of end product meat.  Cows apparently drink a lot of water, and eat a lot of grain that could be used to feed humans.  We can see that kind of micro argument is going to have a lot of arguments on both sides of the equation.  Not everyone wants to become vegetarian.

But kangaroo might be the solution for both humans and their dogs in this respect. Namely, kangaroos are wild animals, so they are not fenced in, the farms don’t need to be maintained.  They are not hand feed food, and provided water from human reservoirs.   That is the first major win for sustainable kangaroo meat and treats.

The second part of the equation is that with long term history of over population of kangaroos in the wild, because of farms providing extra food on the fringes, and other human endeavours creating a perfect environment for these animals to breed in good times, in bad times of drought these roos suffer greatly.   Farms can provide extra food stock and water for the farmed animals, but over populated herds of kangaroos will have tens of thousands of their weaker herd member die bad deaths.

THAT is why the Australian government releases science backed quotas each year to keep the herd numbers healthy.  But out of the one million culling ceiling, typically around 300,000 roos might be purposefully culled per year.  The sustainability factor comes into play here, since humans are not actively trying to boost numbers of the herd, the herds are naturally growing out of control, and require human intervention by culls to create sustainable healthy herd members.  That is sustainability at its core.  If anything, it is ‘over sustainable’.

What can you do to help?

Eat more kangaroo meat yourself or provide this incredibly healthy meat to your dogs, in dog food and dog treats.  We always recommend the dog treat option, because like most people know, dog food typically has around 30% meat, and of questionable quality.  When you buy kangaroo jerky from a reputable source, you see the striations in the meat.  You see the natural small amounts of fat, that are high in Omega 3  (the essential fatty acid your dog needs). 

By buying kangaroo dog treats, you are actually using a valuable resource that is ‘over available’. You won’t be making farmers ‘grow’ more,  you will actually just be making the herd healthier. 

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